

A collection is a digital archiving box in which research data can be stored, archived, and/or shared during and after research. The Radboud Data Repository (RDR) has three types of collections: the Data Acquisition Collection (DAC) , the Research Documentation Collection (RDC) and the Data Sharing collection (DSC).

Collection Identifier

A collection identifier is a unique alphanumeric string that identifies a collection in the RDR.


A contributor is a role a researcher can have in a collection of the RDR. Contributors can view, download, add, modify and delete files of a collection and update the collection details.


see Research Data

Data Acquisition Collection (DAC)

A DAC is one of the three RDR collection types. It serves to archive, not publish, research data. It is intended to store data in their original form, i.e. without any manipulation that would limit future analyses.

Data Sharing Collection (DSC)

A DSC is one of the three RDR collection types. This collection serves to publish data on which a research article or other publication is based. This allows for open access data sharing with the external scientific community. With this, other researchers can extend scientific findings by re-analysing data using new methods and/or address new research questions using these data.

Data Use Agreement (DUA)

A DUA is an agreement that governs the sharing of data between the data sharing party and the user of those data. It establishes how information in a dataset may be used by the intended recipient and how it is protected. In the RDR, DUAs specify the conditions under which data in DSCs are shared.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

A DOI is a unique alphanumeric string assigned by a registration agency to identify content and provide a persistent link to its location on the internet. Every collection of every type in the RDR receives a DOI.


EduID is a digital identity that can be used to access the RDR (and other services connected to SURFconext). You can use a Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Microsoft account to log in to the RDR via EduID.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The GDPR (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming, AVG, in Dutch) is a European data privacy and security law that addresses the transfer and processing of personal data, among other things.


Manager is a role a researcher can have in a collection of the RDR. A manager of a collection can add and remove users to or from the collection and can change the state of a collection. They can also view, download, add, modify and delete files in that collection and can update the collection details (e.g. title, abstract, keywords).

MeSH keywords

Medical Subject Headings. This is the system of keywords that is being used by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and by PubMed. MeSH is a comprehensive controlled vocabulary for the purpose of indexing journal articles and books in the life sciences. It serves as a thesaurus that facilitates searching. Using MeSH keywords to describe the content of your collection allows it to be better indexed and found. The whole structure of MeSH can be browsed here.


ORCID ID is a unique individual and persistent digital identifier for researchers that can be used to log in to the RDR.

Organisational unit (OU)

An OU is a section of an organisation that has its own management and implementation of RDM procedures. Within Radboud University there are multiple OUs, which are organised according to faculties, research institutes or research centres. Each of these OU has its own implementation of RDR-related procedures.

Persistent Identifier

A persistent identifier is a long-lasting reference to an online document or file. In the RDR, DOIs are used as persistent identifiers of data collections.

Research Data

Research data refers to all information that is or will be (1) generated as a part of the research process, and (2) the foundation of a scientific report. This definition of research data includes empirical data, simulated data, computer scripts for analysis and simulations, stimuli presented in experiments and the computer scripts for presenting them. A good way to determine what are the research data on which a study is based, is to ask oneself what information has contributed to the results which you report on in your publication.

Research Documentation Collection (RDC)

An RDC is one of the three collection types of the RDR. It serves to archive research data; not to publish it. It is intended to store processed data (e.g. analysis scripts, preliminary figures or the different versions of a paper) that document the research process, share preliminary results within the research team and document the editorial and peer-review process.


The roles that are assigned to researchers in a collection define the rights of a specific researcher with respect to that collection. There are three different roles in the RDR, namely viewer (with only viewing rights), contributor (with viewing and editing rights) and manager (with viewing, editing, and managing rights).

SfN keywords

Keywords that match the classification of presentations at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience. The specific list currently used in the RDR is that of the 2013 SfN meeting. Using SfN keywords to describe the content of your collection allows it to be better indexed and found.


SURFconext allows all academic institutes and schools in the Netherlands to use a single login for cloud services of various providers. SURFconext allows researchers to access online services with the username and password issued by their institution.


A viewer is a role a researcher can have in a collection of the RDR. Viewers of a collection can view details and content of that collection and download files from that collection. They cannot add, modify or delete collection files or update collection details.


Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning. The WebDAV protocol provides a framework for users to create, change and move documents on a server – the RDR in this case.